Kids don’t believe in coincidences and I have to admit, I love that about them. The Bible talks about having a “child-like” faith. I am in a room with sixteen 6 year-olds for 8 hours every day and I can tell you right now that I understand why God said that. They don’t believe in coincidences. Coincidences don’t exist when it comes to children and their God. They wholeheartedly believe in their prayers and in God’s ability to answer those prayers.
Today was the first field trip of the year. Woohoo! Field trips are when some of the best memories are made in school! Bus rides, sweaty, red-faced children, picnics and parents. It is always a fun day! We were signed up to go to Mainstay Farms in Cleburne, TX, about an hour away.
As teachers, we were keeping a watch on the weather. The forecast kept calling for scattered rain/mist on our field trip today, so yesterday at school, we prayed out loud as a class and asked God to keep the rain away until after our field trip. This morning on my drive to school, all I saw were gloomy clouds swelling around above us. When I walked in, the kids began asking, “What if it rains? What will we do? Can we still go?” We stopped and before getting on the bus, we prayed again. Well…what do you know… the rain stopped. The dark clouds spread and the sun shined down on us and even better, a group of white clouds moved in to give us some nice, cool, shade.
Some adults (me included at times) might pawn this off and assume it was just “by chance” that it quit raining, but not my first graders. For them, it was certainly because we prayed. They wholeheartedly believe that the Lord took His hands and held that rain back until the end of the day so that we could enjoy time in His creation on the farm. That’s it. It’s that simple for them. We prayed and God answered “yes” to our request. They know it. The end. I’m pretty sure God smiles down on my little people quite regularly for their faith.
While I am their teacher and I do hope and pray they learn from me, God often reminds me to learn from them…Today I’m going to know and believe that God heard our prayers and did indeed, stop the rain for us.